法国时高STECO蓄电池PLATINE2-1200 船只 2V1200AH起动电源

法国时高STECO蓄电池PLATINE2-1200 船只 2V1200AH起动电源

STECO 专为恶劣使用环境或重要场所使用设计,野外适用,因而维护量绝少。

·经高温加速测试其浮充寿命达到全球中小容量电池的Zui长 15 年.·由于气体复合均匀控制技术、专利合金极板技术、槽式化成控制技术、加液工

艺等手段的采用,STECO 电池性能均匀性jijia,完全符合 UTE NO NFC15-100



Using patented lead tin titanium alloy as the electrode material for batteries, the discharge performance and stability of small and medium-sized batteries are improved

Qualitatively reaching the optimal state. Moderate amount of tin helps to enhance the strength of the electrode plate, silver improves the discharge performance of the electrode plate, and titanium

Helps prolong the lifespan of the Ting Chang electrode
